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Jon  Tarrey
Jon Tarrey
11011  Profile Views

About Me

Bit of a grumpy old man these days, with a special interest in property.

my expertise in the industry

Spent my formative years in the industry and dabbled with property investment when I was younger (unsuccessfully, I should add). Disillusioned with much of what estate agency stands for these days - so trying (in my own small way) to change that. Again, unsuccessfully.

Jon 's Recent Activity

Jon  Tarrey
They've certainly got traditional agents scared. There can be no other reason for the constant put-downs and defensive attitude whenever their name is mentioned. If they were no threat, why all the vitriol? PB are following in the footsteps of Foxtons and then Countrywide as the agency everyone loves to hate. Now CW are back in the good books with Platt's departure and the rehiring of proper property people, the ire has to be aimed elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, I think there are considerable flaws in PB's model. I really dislike their naff TV adverts, some of the claims they make are outrageous (are they still claiming to be open 24/7?) and they have more money than sense. They've invested big and got many big guns behind them, but it's unclear how successful they've actually been. They seem to rely heavily on being bankrolled by large investors a lot of the time. I'm also not sure about expanding operations overseas - to the US and Australia - when you haven't fully cracked your initial market. Running before you can crawl and all that. For all that, though, they can't be dismissed outright or treated with utter disdain. Clearly they're doing something right, even if it is just from a PR perspective. There's been a gap in the market for a big online agent (and yes, they are online) and they have filled it in the last three years. The others before just couldn't achieve the nationwide recognition that PB has. People know who they are, people have seen the adverts, people are willing to give them a go. Ask friends, family, work colleagues - they will likely know of PB above any other online operator and they may well have used them, or be willing to use them. The sales pitch is strong, even if it is a bit blurred. The chance to sell your home for a lot less than you would with a traditional agency has considerable appeal. Their boards are everywhere, their adverts are everywhere, they are big, bold, brash and brassy. And they're not going anywhere, whether people like it or not You can dismiss them as chancers and charlatans, but you can't ignore the threat they pose to the traditional model.

From: Jon Tarrey 27 March 2018 16:08 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 21 March 2017 16:01 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 12 January 2017 09:48 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 03 January 2017 09:30 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 20 December 2016 13:45 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 19 December 2016 10:52 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 19 December 2016 10:14 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 06 December 2016 09:57 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 06 December 2016 09:56 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 09 November 2016 14:56 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 04 November 2016 15:38 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 21 October 2016 16:49 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 21 October 2016 16:47 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 20 October 2016 09:42 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 27 September 2016 09:45 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 23 September 2016 09:51 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 23 September 2016 09:39 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 22 September 2016 11:26 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 15 September 2016 11:42 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 12 September 2016 09:47 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 01 September 2016 16:23 PM

Jon  Tarrey
It wasn't really, though, was it? It was a shameless vote-winner with no long-term goal. By selling off the council houses, and not replacing them adequately, Right to Buy helped to set in motion the total car crash of a housing industry that we have today. Low levels of council/social housing, a lack of affordable homes, a PRS that is bursting at the seams, high rents, high house prices and buy-to-let landlords hoovering up the stock. How many of those council homes bought under Right to Buy have ended up in the hands of greedy buy-to-let owners who then charge a fortune in rent? It's absurd. No, it's beyond absurd. Right to Buy was a disaster, an absolute disaster. A few people might have benefited from it, but a lot were left worse off because of it. That doesn't sound like a success to me. It should have been scrapped years ago, rather than being expanded or extended. It's not going to help ease the housing crisis, is it? It's only going to make things worse. Scotland and Wales have seen sense, can England now do the same? May, as expected, hasn't lived up to her promise to be the government "for the many not the few", but actually taking some decisive action on housing would be a start. If the shocking figures about home ownership coming out in recent days aren't enough to spur the government into action, nothing will be. I can't even remember the new Housing Minister's name - oh, that's right, Gavin Barwell - but the fact he has so little sway, power or influence means housing will be kept on the backburner again as billions is wasted on things like HS2, Hinckley Point, Trident renewal and poxy Garden Bridges. Post-industrial towns and communities will continue to be left behind, the North will continue to be neglected in favour of London and the South East, house prices and rents will continue to rise beyond all reason, and the reframing of affordable homes to mean £400,000 or more will continue apace. There's plenty of talk about the housing crisis and what must be done, but very little action. That cross-party HoL report the other day made some decent recommendations - could these now be enacted?

From: Jon Tarrey 09 August 2016 13:55 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 15 July 2016 11:24 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 14 July 2016 11:48 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 18 April 2016 11:56 AM

Jon  Tarrey
Breathtaking ignorance, Rich. If you think young people have it easy, I suggest you come and have a talk with my nephew and niece. Or the children of friends of mine. They certainly aren't going on 2 holidays a year. Many of them have to scrape by every month because their wages are so rubbish and the rents they pay so high. With most of the jobs concentrated around London, young people who live elsewhere have to move to the capital, pay extortionate rents and then have no hope in hell of saving enough money for a massive deposit because most of their income is going straight back out again. Have you not seen the news about how much deposits are these days, Rich? Have you not seen how high house prices currently are? If you think buying a home in this day and age is simple and straightforward, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself. It's far from easy. Competition is fierce, stumbling blocks many and varied and the associated costs of buying a home - conveyancing, surveys, solicitor fees - incredibly high. You need a small fortune - or very rich parents - to get on the property ladder these days. Failing that, you'll need a big helping hand from the Bank of Mum and Dad or a hefty inheritance. It shouldn't be this way. You and I both remember when it was possible to get a home on a fairly modest wage. Then Thatcher came along - a hero to you, I imagine - sold off all the social/council housing and never replaced it. Subsequent governments have had a similarly appalling record on housing, including this current mob (who have been the worst of the lot), and we now have a situation where the average price of a home in the UK is over £250,000. Where the average price of a home in London is over £500,000. What's that if it's not absurd? Young people are probably buying iPhones, new cars and bigger tellies because they've given up hope of ever owning their own home. It takes a long old time to save up £20,000 for a deposit (at least), especially if you're not part of a couple. Not every young person is rolling around in money on £60k a year. Very, very few are. I thought a man of the world like yourself might know that. The solution, of course, is simple. Regulate rents, end Buy to Leave, bring all empty properties back into use, build thousands of new homes - genuinely affordable ones at that - and stop gimmicky nonsense like Help to Buy, Lifetime ISAs and shared ownership, which do nothing to solve the issue. The current situation, where house prices are rising ten times faster than wages - with rents not far behind - is not sustainable in the long run. You can blame young people all you want, Rich, but you need to be targeting your ire towards the government instead. Young people didn't cause this housing crisis, but they are the ones who are having to stay at home until their early forties because of it!

From: Jon Tarrey 18 April 2016 11:56 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 14 March 2016 14:14 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 23 February 2016 09:15 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 18 February 2016 09:18 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 16 February 2016 16:35 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 16 February 2016 16:29 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 04 February 2016 08:58 AM

Jon  Tarrey
So the crux of it is that smaller landlords are being screwed over while the large corporate landlords are raking it in? Makes sense. The government likes getting into bed with money and big business, they're not so concerned about smaller businesses or investors who won't be hoarding their money in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. I think the issue is one of perception. Buy-to-let landlords are perceived by the public as greedy so and sos hoovering up all the spare stock and then charging extortionate rent to the tenants they get to live in these properties. Whether this is unfair or not is irrelevant, that is the perception. People also think buy-to-letters have an easy ride of it - the perception being that it's much easier for buy-to-letters to expand their portfolios than it is for first-time buyers to get on the ladder. I don't necessarily think that the public at large would have much sympathy with this campaign against Osborne and the extra stamp duty because of how landlords are now perceived. They are seen as the enemy; they are all seen as greedy, land-grabbing, unscrupulous crooks happy to provide sub-standard accommodation for sky-high rents. This perception needs to be challenged and altered if public sympathy is to turn. I don't think first-time buyers should fall for Osborne's spin, either. He's had five years to make housing more affordable and it hasn't happened yet. They're good at bringing out gimmicky schemes, to give the impression that they are actively solving the housing crisis, but when it comes to the building of new, genuinely affordable homes they continue to be left wanting. See also Buy to Leave and the nonsense that is Right to Buy for other areas in which the government are failing on housing.

From: Jon Tarrey 25 January 2016 09:31 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 18 January 2016 14:57 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 08 January 2016 10:14 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 08 January 2016 10:14 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 05 January 2016 10:51 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 04 January 2016 10:10 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 22 December 2015 10:10 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 21 December 2015 11:14 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 09 December 2015 09:50 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 07 December 2015 11:47 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 30 November 2015 16:47 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 26 November 2015 10:29 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 28 October 2015 15:48 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 07 September 2015 09:32 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 14 August 2015 11:37 AM

Jon  Tarrey
@ Matt Brereton - nonsense! Why can't you interfere with market forces if it's for the good of the country as a whole? No, let's all just sit back and watch house prices skyrocket until nearly everyone is priced out of the market other than rich overseas investors and oligarchs. That sounds like a sensible plan. Look how well allowing market forces to dictate things has done for trains, utility companies, supermarkets, etc. It's the same with RM's monopoly in the property industry, the very thing a significant number of agents seem to be railing against. You can't have it both ways. We need to end all this free market nonsense. Free market shouldn't mean unregulated and unrestricted - it shouldn't mean the few getting rich off the many. It might sound idealistic, but why can't we return to a time where houses are actually affordable and don't cost buyers a small fortune to purchase? A small fortune that leaves them saddled with debt in some cases. What's the point? Why can't we return to a time where young people are given hope of actually owning a home? Because, for the majority of 18-30 year olds, that ain't ever gonna happen. Which might be OK if the PRS was up to standard, but it very definitely isn't. Why can't we return to a time where house prices going higher and higher, beyond the reach of most ordinary folk, is greeted with dismay rather than cheers? The whole idea that you buy a house and make a load of money - a load of unearned money - from market forces alone is bonkers. I'm fed up of people saying we must never interfere with market forces. We've had agents in these very comments saying they would like to see a return to a more stable, rational housing market - one where people don't have to save for 25 years to own a home, one where buyers are encouraged rather than stalled. But no, some people would rather wealthy people buying up hundreds of buy-to-let properties and second homes - that they use for about one month a year - in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. Because, you know, that's just the way it goes. We've become so afraid of state intervention and public investment in this country that, even when it's the right thing to do, it's outrightly dismissed.

From: Jon Tarrey 11 August 2015 12:24 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 28 July 2015 10:10 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 21 July 2015 10:55 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 15 July 2015 16:50 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 15 July 2015 16:48 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 30 June 2015 10:16 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 18 June 2015 13:00 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 16 June 2015 10:37 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 12 June 2015 17:21 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 11 June 2015 15:19 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 01 June 2015 10:59 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 26 May 2015 09:14 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 18 May 2015 13:01 PM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 12 May 2015 09:31 AM

Jon  Tarrey

From: Jon Tarrey 12 May 2015 09:30 AM

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